
Mastering Worship is unavailable, but you can change that!

Leading the People of God into the presence of God. One of the most important functions you have as pastor is leading your congregation in worship. Yet if you’re like most, you’ve had little training in the art of leading worship. Mastering Worship, the fourth volume in the Mastering Ministry series, will give you a multitude of helpful ideas for enriching your congregation’s worship...

of worship you enjoy in this church.” They smiled knowingly at one another. “Have you seen The Cloisters?” one asked. I wasn’t sure what they were referring to—surely not the assemblage of monastery remains brought to New York by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. “The shed up in the woods behind the preacher’s house,” one of them added when he saw my perplexity. I had seen the building, but I didn’t know it by the name they used. “That’s what the preacher calls it,” they said. “It’s where he goes
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